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Thursday, April 9, 2009

You pull back the curtains, and the sun burns into your eyes, you watch a plane flying across a clear blue sky

\\\\\\\\ Music inspired by EMPIRE RECORDS//////

I've been reading about the latest editorial put together by Erin Wasson and how her inspiration was Empire Records. I have to admit I was a youngin' when it came out back in 1995; even thought I was young 1995 was a big year, it's when I started to get a grasp on what life is, plus the start of Kindergarten, but anyways it was a really great movie. I wouldn't have understood it then, but now it makes so much sense. Before there was Hannah Montana and her infamous NOBODY's Perfect song or other programs that teach others everyone is quite similar, there were 90's movies that shared their take on what NOBODY's Perfect really means. If you haven't seen EMPIRE RECORDS check it out!!! The song I chose is called 'This is the Day' by THE THE. I've heard the song before on an M&M's commercial, but I don't think it really doesn't gives the song justice after watching Empire Records. I hope my shoot gives a little more the M&M's. 


Well... you didn't wake up this morning,
'cause you didn't go to be

You were watching the whites of your eyes turn red.
The calendar on your wall is ticking the days off.

You've been reading some old letters.
You smile and think how much you've changed.

All the money in the world couldn't buy back those days.

You pull back the curtains, and the sun burns into your eyes.
You watch a plane flying across a clear blue sky.

This is the day your life will surely change.
This is the day when things fall into place.

You could've done anything, if you'd wanted.
And all your friends and family think that you're lucky.

But the side of you they'll never see
Is when you're left alone with the memories
That hold your life together like -- GLUE

You pull back the curtains, and the sun burns into your eyes,
You watch a plane flying across a clear blue sky.

This is the day your life will surely change.
This is the day when things fall into place.

This is the day your life will surely change...

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